Friday, 21 May 2010

OPIE Charater

To create my julian OPIE character, i used the lasso tool and selected each part, i then selected a colour and used the fill bucket to fill each part in as a block colour, to achieve highlights and shadows, I selected the darker parts on the original image background layer and filled them in a darker colour on another layer this made the image have tones.

I have learnt how to create work in the artists style, however, I already do photogr
aphy in college, which has already given me knowledge on the software which has benefitted this section of work.

I decided to make another version using the edited image similar to the blur album art, this was done by placing four of the images on a blank canvas in Photoshop then editing the hue/saturation on each image.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Creating my Lip Sync Video

To create my lip sync task, i had to import the video footage from the camera. To do this i used iMovie, once it was imported i could then drag it across to Final Cut to allow us to professionally edit and sync the video with a mp3 track.

We choose to lip sync to Vengaboys - Were going to Ibiza because we thought it would be a fun song to do, to get the song onto the computer we used an online application from this allowed us to convert the YouTube Vengaboys music video into an MP3 for us to use in Final Cut.

Once the footage and song had been imported into Final Cut we could then begin to edit the video. Rendering originally was going to take over 22 minutes, therefore we decided it would be better to only render the first cut, this would give us some footage to work with without having to wait too long.

Once the footage had finished rendering I then went through the clip to find where the song words begin, once i had found this point I added a marker to both the video and another marker to the MP3 track which allowed me to easily match up the audio.

We picked this song because it had alot of easy to remember words in which meant it would be easer to make in the short space of time which we had. Overall i think its not bad for a practise video, i feel that it could be improved with more different camera shots taken from different angles and more footage to mix in.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Final Cut Tutorial

To allow me to become competent in final cut, we were given a tutorial in the software. This consisted of importing movie/sound files, cutting files, placing them onto a timeline, adding transitions and effects, zooming clips, cutting and rendering the timeline.

Our first task to allow us to become independent using the software was to produce a short music video in a group. This was to help us to get to grabs with lip syncing a music track to video and to give us a chance to edit our own work in final cut.